脚本简介 / Overview
- It controls the camera for Third Person Controller.
- It uses LeanTween to animate the camera's FOV and distance to player.
- It has functions for zooming in, zooming out, and zooming in response to mouse scroll wheel input.
- The
function checks for keyboard and mouse input to determine when to start or stop zooming. TheZoomIn
, andZoomToDefault
functions use LeanTween to smoothly transition the camera's field of view and default distance between the current values and the target values over a specified duration.
- 以上 4 条是 ChatGPT 帮我写的。
使用方法 / Usage
- Attach the script to the “vThirdPersonCamera” gameobject, and tune its parameters.
- For reference, here are the default values I set:
Field of View - 80
Default Distance - 2.2
Right Offset - 0.4
代码本体 / Script
using UnityEngine; public class CameraZoom : MonoBehaviour { [Header("FOV")] public float fovRange = 8f; public float fovDelta = 4f; [Header("Camera Distance")] public float distanceRange = 0.25f; public float distanceDelta = 0.2f; [Header("Factors")] public float zoomDuration = 0.3f; public float zoomInFactor = 1.5f; public float rightOffsetFactor = 0.3f; public float scrollFactor = 0.025f; private vThirdPersonCamera cam; private float FOV, FOVmin, FOVmax, FOVdefault, tempFOV, tempDistance, defaultDistance, defaultRightOffset; private void Start() { cam = GetComponent<vThirdPersonCamera>(); defaultDistance = cam.defaultDistance; tempDistance = defaultDistance; defaultRightOffset = cam.rightOffset; FOV = GetComponent<Camera>().fieldOfView; FOVdefault = FOV; tempFOV = FOV; SetMinMax(); } private void Update() { if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.W) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.S) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.D)) if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftShift)) ZoomOut(); if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.LeftShift)) ZoomToDefault(); if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1)) ZoomIn(); if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(1)) ZoomToDefault(); if (Input.mouseScrollDelta.y != 0) ZoomOnMouseScroll(); } private void ZoomIn() { tempFOV = FOV; FOVmin -= fovDelta * 2f; LeanTween.value(FOV, FOV - fovDelta * 2f, zoomDuration * zoomInFactor).setOnUpdate(val => { FOV = val; GetComponent<Camera>().fieldOfView = FOV; }); LeanTween.value(tempDistance, tempDistance - distanceDelta * 1.75f, zoomDuration * zoomInFactor).setOnUpdate(val => { cam.defaultDistance = val; }); LeanTween.value(defaultRightOffset, defaultRightOffset + distanceDelta * rightOffsetFactor, zoomDuration * zoomInFactor).setOnUpdate(val => { cam.rightOffset = val; }); } private void ZoomOut() { tempFOV = FOV; FOVmax += fovDelta; LeanTween.value(FOV, FOV + fovDelta, zoomDuration).setOnUpdate(val => { FOV = val; GetComponent<Camera>().fieldOfView = FOV; }); LeanTween.value(tempDistance, tempDistance - distanceDelta, zoomDuration).setOnUpdate(val => { cam.defaultDistance = val; }); } private void ZoomToDefault() { LeanTween.value(FOV, tempFOV, zoomDuration).setOnUpdate(val => { FOV = val; GetComponent<Camera>().fieldOfView = FOV; }); LeanTween.value(cam.defaultDistance, tempDistance, zoomDuration).setOnUpdate(val => { cam.defaultDistance = val; }); LeanTween.value(cam.rightOffset, defaultRightOffset, zoomDuration).setOnUpdate(val => { cam.rightOffset = val; }); SetMinMax(); } private void ZoomOnMouseScroll() { float scrollDelta = Input.mouseScrollDelta.y; tempDistance -= scrollDelta * scrollFactor; tempDistance = Mathf.Clamp(tempDistance, defaultDistance - distanceRange, defaultDistance + distanceRange); cam.defaultDistance = tempDistance; FOV -= scrollDelta * scrollFactor * 20; FOV = Mathf.Clamp(FOV, FOVmin, FOVmax); GetComponent<Camera>().fieldOfView = FOV; } private void SetMinMax() { FOVmax = FOVdefault + fovRange; FOVmin = FOVdefault - fovRange * 0.75f; } }